Emergence and development of professional music


Indeed, almost all types and genres of professional (art) music have emerged and developed from forms of folk music-making. This can be ascertained, on the one hand, historically, by tracing the early stages in the development of artistic musical forms, types and genres - rondo, lied, canzona, suite, sonata,'quartet, symphonies, etc., Linked articles:THE PROBLEM OF PERIODIZATION OF MUSICAL FOLKLOREPERSONALLY MUSICALLY CREATIVITY Professional music, in the work of its most prominent exponents (the classical composers), develops primarily on the basis of the two diatonic modes - major and minor. Folk music download is the source of all personal musical creativity, and Glinka's words: "The people create the music, and we composers only record and arrange it" must be understood not in a figurative sense but in a direct sense. There are not only differences but also an organic connection, a genealogical kinship between the works of folk music and professional music. From the merry dance-songs, all instrumental dance music, no longer without verbal text, without singing, has sprung; and from it, the various gavots, sara-bands, kurants, minuets, and now intended not for dancing, but simply for the delight of the ear, for the display of compositional skill.



If "style makes the man" (Buffon), then method makes the science. When a researcher is confronted with an immense mass of facts and phenomena, as is the case with the musical folklorist who has to deal with tens and hundreds of thousands of songs, his first job is to try to bring them under some rules and arrange them in some orderly system. materials acquire a new content and a new significance only when they are illuminated by scientific thought, when they are subordinated to a common methodological principle. The method of scientific investigation may be likened to a strong magnet. We can therefore use their experience, learn from their method and their work. Charles Darwin, Claude Bernard, and Thomas Huxley had methodological grasps that transcended the narrow field of their specialty and became universally relevant to world science in general and to folk-music science in particular.


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